Beams department
→Operations group
→PS operations
OP WebTools
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PS Wiki
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CPS OP Instructions
PS Machine Coordination
CPS safety/patrol
Magnet DB
Straight sections
SY-EPC database
The Proton Synchrotron, or PS, operation section operates 24 hours a day during physics runs the PS machine as well as its related transfer lines.
The PS section is made of 17 people, coming from 7 different countries.
The PS section is part of the Operations group of the Beams department and is responsible for the operation of the Proton Synchrotron. This includes the beam lines to the EAST area experimental zones, to the n_ToF facility and the operation of the AD/ELENA decelerators outside normal working hours.
Other tasks for the section members include writing application software, assisting with machine development, access control in the PS complex, and more.
- Constructed in 1959
- Circumference 628 meters, or pi*200
- Injection at 2 GeV
- Extraction up to 26 GeV
- Intensity per beam up to 3x10^13 protons
- Beam for n_TOF, AD, East area and SPS
- Part of LHC injector chain
The PS section is responsible for operation of the Proton Synchrotron, as well as the AD and Elena outside of normal hours.
- Constructed in 1959
- Circumference 628 meters, or pi*200
- Injection at 2 GeV
- Extraction up to 26 GeV
- Intensity per beam up to 3x10^13 protons
- Beam for n_TOF, AD, East area and SPS
- Part of LHC injector chain
Other tasks for the section members include writing application software, assisting with machine development, access control in the PS complex, and more.